Design thru Manifestation
The Browser’s Journey
Education began at Soledad Mission in 1970.
Then to Martinique.
From Martinique to a biodynamic farm in NY.
Finally to Boulder with Trungpa Rinpoche.
In Boulder we started our landscape architecture through construction business - “Marpa”.
My Zen master was in Kamo City, Niigata.
I made frequent visits there to study zen.
And work with a master gardner, Matsuya-san,
whose family has taken meticulous care of the temple gardens for generations.
Today we are working on projects
in Puerto Rico, Santa Fe, Boulder and Japan.
If we can build many marpa-inspired gardens
throughout the planet, and twelve
monumental gardens at geomantically
powerful locations,
we may be able to reverse the downward energy
leading to the extinction of all of us.
Meanwhile enjoy a journey
through a selection of gardens.
Take your time, there is nothing unintentional in any of them.